Jolly Holla Hunt Club

This site is dedicated to the support and conservation of Ohio's wildlife, woodlands and natural resources.


Jan. 21, 2006 Rabbit Hunt

Weather wise today seemed like it was going to be a good day. Once we got to our hunting spot the weather seemed to take a turn for the worse. It was very windy and the temperature seemed to drop. I am hunting with my friend Mike and his dog Pete the Beagle. Pete is about 13 years old and is a great rabbit tracking machine. Pete is shown in the picture to the left. My friend Mike is also the owner of the land we hunt on. To start out we hunted on a piece of property called The Cabin, which is about 48 acres. We got a couple of rabbits running. The first one Pete lost track of, but there was another dog that came on the property at that time. We also kicked another rabbit up that we had a hard time getting. It ran by me about three times before I could actually get a shot.

Later in the day we hunted a piece of property called the White Place. I am not sure of the size of this property, but it is fairly large. We got up about three or four rabbits, but Pete seemed to have a tough time. I am not sure if it is the weather or that he was distracted several times.
I ended up getting another rabbit before days end, but it was a tough one. Mike took a shot at the rabbit and missed, but I was able to pull off a good shot.


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