Jolly Holla Hunt Club

This site is dedicated to the support and conservation of Ohio's wildlife, woodlands and natural resources.


3rd day Spring Turkey, April 05

The 3rd day of Spring turkey started out slow. The weather was nice and clear, but with little to no turkey activity. I really heard no early morning gobblers and I did see 2 hens feeding in the am. Late morning I met back up with my friend Mike--(Mike scored a jake in the am). He had told me that he heard a gobble early in the morning and he thought he could locate the area. I was game since my morning was slow. With his lead we proceeded to track and sneak up on a tom through the woods to a opening in a field. When we came up on the edge on the woods Mike spotted the Tom 80 yards out and he was heading our way. He told me to get ready and I did. A standing shot was taking with my Mossberg 835 at 40 yards and the large 22lbs. bird was successfully hit. This bird had the best fan I have seen with a 10 inch beard and 1 1/4 inch spurs. One spur was slightly broken, most likely caused by sparring with another male. Thank you Mike! And as Mike would say, "Don't let anyone ever tell you that you can't sneak up on a turkey."


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