Jolly Holla Hunt Club

This site is dedicated to the support and conservation of Ohio's wildlife, woodlands and natural resources.


April 18th, 2006 Copely's

There was very high winds today. Reported 30-40 MPH, winds did die down later in the evening. Mike M. and I went back to Copely area to scout and check to see if birds would roost in the same area. Mike M. jumped numerous hens and four quail. I saw one hen and numerous deer. Closer to night fall Mike M. spotted a large gobbler on its way to its night resting spot. I heard turkeys in the distance flying up to roost. The picture above shows some of the interesting landscape of the Copely property.


April 18th, 2006 Ole One Eye

Mike's morning hunt at a property called Copely's. This property is a mix of prairies, green fields and creek bottoms. Mike M. was successful bagging a large tom he called off the roost. Mike M. states that there were numerous birds roosted in the area. Mike M. called the Tom in at 7:00am, but it took him two long hours to move himself into position for a shot. The interesting thing about this turkey is that it only had one eye. ONE EYE, I SAID!!! On my way over to pick Mike M. up I saw a hen fly across the road and pushed a jake down the road right in front of Mike M.

April 17th, 2006 Evening Scout

Mike M. and I scouted the corn field property again. We spilt up to cover more ground. I headed to the far end of the property in a large group of trees by an open field. This is shown above. I did not hear or see any turkeys but spotted several deer. Mike M. saw a hen fly into the roost. He stayed in the location where the turkeys roosted the night before.